What to do with wings of turkey before cooking?

What to Do with Wings of Turkey Before Cooking?

Turkey wings are an often underutilized part of the bird that can be transformed into a culinary delight with the right preparation. Whether you plan to roast, grill, smoke, or fry them, properly preparing turkey wings before cooking is crucial to achieving the best results. By taking the time to clean, season, and marinate the wings, you’ll ensure they are flavorful, juicy, and tender. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore how to prepare turkey wings before cooking, providing you with tips, techniques, and flavorful ideas to get the most out of these tasty morsels.

Cleaning and Trimming Turkey Wings

Why Clean Turkey Wings?

The first and most critical step in preparing turkey wings is cleaning them thoroughly. This step is essential not just for hygiene but also for improving the overall flavor and texture of the meat. Turkey wings may contain residue, such as small feathers or dirt, that can interfere with the final dish if not cleaned properly.

How to Clean Turkey Wings

  1. Rinse Under Cold Water: Begin by rinsing the turkey wings under cold running water. This will help remove any surface dirt, debris, or tiny feathers that may have been left behind.
  2. Pat Dry with Paper Towels: After rinsing, it is essential to pat the wings dry using paper towels. Drying the wings ensures that they will crisp up nicely when cooked, and it allows any seasoning or marinade to adhere better to the surface.
  3. Inspect for Pin Feathers: Sometimes, small pin feathers can still be attached to the wings. Use a pair of kitchen tweezers to gently remove these.
  4. Trim Excess Skin and Fat: Turkey wings, especially near the joints, can have excess skin or fatty tissue. Trimming off this excess can result in a leaner wing, making for a more evenly cooked dish and a more pleasant texture.

Cleaning and trimming are fundamental steps that lay the foundation for creating perfectly cooked turkey wings with crispy skin and tender meat.

Marinating Turkey Wings for Maximum Flavor

Why Marinate Turkey Wings?

Marinating turkey wings is one of the best ways to infuse flavor and moisture into the meat. The process allows the flavors from the marinade to penetrate the meat, making each bite flavorful and juicy. Marinating also helps to tenderize the wings, ensuring they don’t dry out during cooking. By carefully selecting your marinade ingredients, you can enhance the natural taste of the turkey and add new layers of flavor.

Key Ingredients for a Flavorful Marinade

When thinking about how to enhance the flavor of turkey wings, it’s important to include a balance of fats, acids, and seasonings in your marinade.

  • Olive Oil: A great fat base that helps prevent the wings from drying out while cooking.
  • Garlic and Onion: These aromatic ingredients add deep, savory flavors to the wings.
  • Citrus (Lemon or Lime): Acidity from citrus helps tenderize the meat and adds a bright, zesty flavor.
  • Fresh Herbs (Rosemary, Thyme, Parsley): Herbs add layers of freshness and earthiness that complement the turkey’s rich flavor.
  • Spices (Paprika, Cayenne, Cumin): These spices provide warmth, heat, and complexity to your marinade.
  • Salt and Pepper: Essential seasoning components that enhance the overall flavor profile of the wings.

How Long Should You Marinate Turkey Wings?

For best results, turkey wings should be marinated for at least 2-4 hours. However, for even better flavor penetration, it’s ideal to marinate them overnight. The longer the wings soak in the marinade, the more flavorful and tender they become.

For those looking to experiment with different flavors and techniques, you can explore this Chicken Brine Recipe, which offers excellent insights into balancing seasoning with moisture retention, perfect for turkey wings.

Brining Turkey Wings for Tenderness

The Benefits of Brining

Brining is an effective technique for ensuring turkey wings remain moist and tender during cooking. A brine is essentially a solution of salt and water, often enhanced with other flavoring agents. When meat is submerged in brine, it absorbs extra moisture, which helps the wings stay juicy even when exposed to high cooking temperatures, such as grilling or roasting. Brining also seasons the wings from the inside out, creating a well-rounded flavor profile.

Simple Brine Recipe

To make a basic brine, you’ll need:

  • 4 cups of water
  • 1/4 cup of kosher salt
  • 1/4 cup of sugar (optional for added sweetness)
  • 2 crushed garlic cloves
  • 1 sprig of fresh rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon of whole black peppercorns


  1. Dissolve Salt and Sugar: In a large mixing bowl, dissolve the salt and sugar in water. Stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Add Flavorings: Once the salt and sugar are dissolved, add garlic, rosemary, and peppercorns to enhance the flavor.
  3. Submerge the Turkey Wings: Place the turkey wings in the brine, ensuring they are fully submerged. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or, for optimal results, overnight.
  4. Rinse and Dry the Wings: After brining, rinse the turkey wings under cold water to remove excess salt. Then, pat them dry with paper towels before proceeding to cook.

Brining is an excellent way to add both moisture and flavor to your turkey wings. This method works especially well when combined with roasting or grilling techniques.

If you want further guidance on preparing turkey wings, check out this Easy Turkey Wings Recipe for a simple and flavorful method of cooking your wings to perfection.

Seasoning Turkey Wings for Flavor

Choosing the Right Seasonings

Seasoning is an essential step in preparing turkey wings. Whether you are marinating or brining, adding dry seasonings helps to build additional layers of flavor. Even after marinating or brining, a good seasoning mix can enhance the flavor and add a crispy texture when cooked.

Suggested Seasonings

  • Salt and Pepper: These two seasonings are non-negotiable and should always be the base of your seasoning mix.
  • Paprika: A mild spice that provides a smoky flavor and adds a beautiful red hue to the wings.
  • Garlic Powder: Enhances the savory notes of the wings.
  • Cayenne Pepper: If you like a bit of heat, a dash of cayenne will add a nice kick.
  • Lemon Zest: For a touch of brightness, lemon zest works well to balance out the richness of the wings.

For those who enjoy experimenting with more complex flavors, consider using a spice rub or creating your own custom blends. A Cajun or BBQ spice rub can add depth and smokiness to the wings, providing a unique twist.

Tenderizing Turkey Wings for Optimal Texture

Why Tenderize Turkey Wings?

Turkey wings can sometimes be tougher than other parts of the bird, especially around the joints and bones. Tenderizing the wings helps to break down the muscle fibers, resulting in a more succulent and juicy finished product. Tenderizing is especially beneficial if you’re planning to roast or grill the wings.

How to Tenderize Turkey Wings

  1. Use a Meat Mallet: Gently pound the wings with a meat mallet to break down the muscle fibers and make the meat more tender.
  2. Marinate with Acid: Marinades containing acidic ingredients, such as lemon juice or vinegar, can naturally tenderize the wings over time.
  3. Slow Cooking: Cooking turkey wings at a low temperature for a longer period (such as in a braise) will also help to tenderize the meat.

For additional tips on preparing turkey wings and creating the perfect meal, take a look at this guide on turkey wing pairings, which offers suggestions on side dishes and flavors that complement turkey wings.

Parboiling and Pre-Roasting Turkey Wings

Parboiling Turkey Wings

Parboiling is a great technique for ensuring your turkey wings are tender and evenly cooked before they hit the oven or grill. Parboiling involves partially cooking the wings in boiling water, which helps to lock in moisture and flavor. After parboiling, the wings can be finished off using another cooking method, such as grilling or roasting.

Steps for Parboiling

  1. Bring a Pot of Water to a Boil: Fill a large pot with water and bring it to a rolling boil. You can add seasonings like bay leaves, garlic, and salt to flavor the water.
  2. Add the Turkey Wings: Place the wings in the boiling water and reduce the heat to a simmer.
  3. Simmer for 20–25 minutes. Parboil the wings until they are partially cooked. Then, remove them from the water and allow them to cool slightly before moving on to your preferred cooking method.

Pre-Roasting Turkey Wings

Pre-roasting is another helpful technique that can be used to render fat and crisp up the skin before finishing the wings on the grill or in the oven. This method ensures a crispy exterior and juicy meat.

How to Pre-Roast

  1. Preheat Oven to 350°F: Set your oven to a medium-high temperature to achieve a crispy finish.
  2. Season the Wings: Season the turkey wings with your preferred dry rub or spice mix.
  3. Roast for 20-30 Minutes: Place the wings on a baking sheet and roast until the skin starts to turn golden brown. You can finish cooking them later on the grill or in the oven.

Smoking Turkey Wings for Deep Flavor

Preparing Turkey Wings for Smoking

Smoking turkey wings adds a rich, smoky flavor that is hard to beat. When prepared correctly, the low and slow heat of a smoker allows the wings to absorb the smoky aroma while staying tender and juicy. Proper preparation is key to ensuring the wings turn out well.


  1. Marinate or Brine the Wings: Start by marinating or brining your wings to add moisture and flavor.
  2. Preheat the Smoker: Set your smoker to a low temperature (225°F) for a slow cooking process.
  3. Smoke for 2-3 Hours: Place the wings in the smoker and allow them to cook slowly until they reach an internal temperature of 165°F.


Turkey wings, when prepared properly, can be a showstopper at any meal. Whether you decide to marinate, brine, parboil, or pre-roast your wings, taking the time to properly prepare them will result in a dish that is juicy, flavorful, and satisfying. By following the tips and techniques outlined in this article, you can be confident in your ability to prepare delicious turkey wings. For more recipe ideas, be sure to check out this Easy Turkey Wings Recipe to see how to cook turkey wings to perfection every time.

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